Jordan Friederics

Jordan Friederics
Digital Marketing Manager
London, UK
1.How would you describe your career journey from Varsity College to your current role?
After Varsity college I began in a number of junior roles gaining experience and working my way up over a period of 8 years. The first years were jobs that I did not particularly enjoy however looking back these have proved to be very valuable in terms of experience. After gaining further experience over the years this launched me into bigger roles and ultimately years in the industry has led me to my existing position where I manage a marketing and business development team.
2.How did your Varsity College experience help shape your success? / How did the education you received, help you get to where you are now?
Varsity College was part of the foundation that led me to my current role. It is important not only from the content of the course but the discipline involved in managing yourself. Assignment deadlines, remaining focussed, studying is all on you and ultimately will reflect on your finished results. This prepares you for the working world and the pressures that come with it.
3.What advice would you give current Varsity College students interested in your field?
Experience on top of your qualifications is everything, do not be afraid to start from the bottom and prove yourself! The lessons learnt on your journey and the working environment are not something that can be taught in a lecture. The education is only a small part of the foundation in your journey.
4.How did the education you received, help you get to where you are now?
Same as question 2
5.What are some of your fondest memories from your time at Varsity College?
Finishing and Graduating! Jokes while that was of course a fond memory the crazy friends and times you go through during that period of university. Assignment deadlines always come to mind procrastinating till the end was always my style. Life lesson do not procrastinate!
6.Last but definitely not least, any words of encouragement for those still studying, in light of the current state of the world?
The current circumstances are not ideal however now is the ultimate test of your focus. If you are able to thrive in this environment you can survive any global economic crisis. We are fortunate to live in the modern day era where we are still able to study and learn using all the online tools available to us. The onus is now on you to remain focussed!