Nangamso Mgqweto

Nangamso Mgqweto
Service and Sales Coordinator
IIE Diploma in Information Technology in Software Development
The IIE’s Varsity College Cape Town
Company: Britehouse – A Division of Dimension Data
Description of your duties on a daily basis
I attend support meetings to follow up on tasks, change requests and incidents assigned to Developers or Engineers.
I do daily reports and log support calls and assign tasks to staff.
I also follow up to ensure the work is completed within the agreed time with the client.
Is your qualification relevant to your job?
Yes, it has prepared me for my job and in the next few months I’m going to be moved to project management for IT projects.
What is your greatest achievement to date career wise?
I would like to move into management positions within the IT software field.
What are your future career plans?
My future short-term career plan is to grow as a Developer and learn as much as I can and eventually as a middle term career plan to move into a senior role as a Full Stack Developer and the end goal is a Software Architect.
What advice would you give to students who are looking for or about to embark on their first job?
My advice would be to first identify occupations that match your interests. With a little research you may be surprised at the careers that relate to many of the things you love to do.
Secondly, evaluate your strengths and skills. Once you have a general idea of your career path, take some time to figure out what skills you have and what skills you need.
Thirdly, develop your skills and experience. If your chosen career needs skills or experience you lack, don’t despair. There are many ways to gain needed skills (e.g. I knew I would have to communicate a lot in the career that I would choose so I worked part time whilst studying to improve my communication skills and other skills). While learning, you’ll also have an opportunity to find out whether or not you truly enjoy your chosen career and also make connections that could lead to your dream job.
And lastly, believe in yourself and go apply for that first job in the field that you studied.