Mathew van der Walt

Mathew van der Walt
Financial Adviser
IIE Bachelor of Commerce
The IIE’s Varsity College Cape Town
Company: Enriching Life Financial Services - affiliate of Liberty Life
Description of your duties on a daily basis
My daily activities include sourcing new clients and conducting financial needs analyses for new prospects. I complete comprehensive financial planning for all types of people but I focus mainly on the young achievers starting out in the working world. I create financial plans and continuously manage and change them.
I enjoy this job for many reasons. Firstly, it is the atmosphere around the office as everyone is driven by helping others. Every day is different as I deal with so many types of people who all need to be approached in different styles. Thirdly, I have a purpose and a drive to help as many people reach financial freedom before retirement and lastly we also donate to Reach for a Dream Foundation. It is a very rewarding and humbling career.
Is your qualification relevant to your job? If so, did your studies adequately prepare you for your job?
Yes, it is relevant. It has helped in my job as well as with relating to people and building relationships. It has also given me an overall understanding of the business world.
Do you have any mentors?
I have so many! The main people in my life have to be my family. My father, mother and older brother. In my sport career that would be my best friend Singyn Halkerd. In my working life it would be my Leaders / Directors Des and Craig Yeats (Craig Yeats is also an ex-student of The IIE’s Varsity College Cape Town).
What is your greatest career achievement to date?
It has to be having R1 million assets under management so far. It is great to know that people trust me and are willing to work with me.
What are your future career plans?
My future career plans will be to obtain my CFP (Certified Financial Planner) recognition as well as remain at this company. I love my career as well as who I represent and what I stand for so I see myself growing with Enriching Life.
What was the one thing that stood out for you about The IIE’s Varsity College?
I Loved it! I made friends and enjoyed myself. It felt like I was part of a family. The Cape Town campus is amazing with helpful staff and lecturers. To get the best out of VC you have to talk to lecturers, use the library and ask questions! You are there to learn, why let it go to waste?
What advice would you give to students who are looking for or about to embark on their first job?
I cannot tell you how many interviews I went to for positions that I did not want. The scary thought was that if I was hired, I would be stuck there doing a job I did not like. Be yourself! Apply for jobs you truly want and remember that you are an adult now. You quickly go from spending time with your friends complaining about exams and studying to dealing with older and more experienced people and you need to be ready for that change.