Network engineer qualifications enable one to assist businesses to perform at their best. This includes putting the necessary infrastructure in place to facilitate work processes. One such example is working remotely. With the help of a network engineer, staff can stay in touch, exchange information and perform their roles no matter where they are.
Being able to work remotely is very much part of 21st-century employment. Being able to work at any time from anywhere means flexibility and productivity. With greater profits for businesses, it’s no wonder that so many corporations rely on network engineers to help their staff work remotely.
In learning the principles of network architecture and design, engineers can maximise connectivity and the sharing of information. This makes network engineer qualifications an invaluable way to learn the ins and outs of putting together a formidable system and effective support structures.
But before you enter the working world, you should know that you don’t need to work for a large entity to work remotely. In fact, many freelancers and small business owners do this daily. If you think you might want to work remotely, for yourself or for an employer, here’s how you can make the most of it.
It’s not always easy…
Working remotely means that you can work wherever you choose. Before you get excited about working from the couch in your pyjamas, you should know that staying focused is a challenge. You’ll need a good routine and a discipline to match. Which brings us to our next point.
Find what works for you
Are you someone who needs to hit the ground running or do you work best later on in the day? This is something to ask yourself to determine which working method you’ll employ. You might find that it’s a trial and error kind of thing and that you need to test a few different parameters before you decide on a formula that works well.
Don’t give in to distractions
Okay, this one is easier said than done. Consider when you’re doing assignments at home or studying for an exam. How often do you get side-tracked? If that answer is “um, quite regularly”, you might want to set up a formal work environment with no distractions. This means no social media (unless it’s part of the job) and only breaks for lunch and for the bathroom.
Have the right gear
If you’re going to work remotely and pursue a freelance career in development or network engineering, you’ll have to invest in the right technology. Whilst you might not be able to afford the latest and greatest, you should definitely chat to someone who understands what you need. From the right computer to the right fibre connection, working remotely is much easier when you’re properly prepared. You will also need a dongle that provides mobile Wi-Fi for the times when you’re not at home but might require a connection to do some work. Luckily, many places have free Wi-Fi these days. If they don’t, using your phone as a mobile hotspot works just as well too. Any slow or outdated devices could really hamper productivity, so do install major updates as and when they pop up to keep your processes running efficiently.
Passionate about networking?
By that, we mean networking engineering. If the answer is yes, an IIE Bachelor of Computer and Information Science in Networking Engineering could hold the key to your career. For more on this qualification and its particulars, please visit our website here.
Varsity College is an educational brand of The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE). South Africa’s top private higher education provider.