For those set to matriculate at the end of this year, COVID-19 has certainly thrown some curveballs. If you’ve found yourself in this particular boat, studying for matric might not have happened the way you had hoped. Whilst we understand that this is a time of uncertainty, it’s also the perfect chance to adapt to studying from home.
At The IIE’s Varsity College, we are happy to help our students and even prospective ones navigate difficult times. It’s why our approach to academics and everything we do is anchored in the principles of #NewWorldThinking, a critical way of thinking that also teaches problem solving skills, equipping graduates to master the challenges of any industry. To assist those currently studying for matric during this pandemic, here’s how you can maximise this time and ace those matric exams.
Make technology part of your game plan
By now, you’ve probably already been learning online via Zoom lessons. Whilst we often see technology as a distraction, now is the time to see it as a secret weapon. Instead of using your time to scroll through your newsfeed on social media, use it to read interesting articles, plan your future and complete your school tasks. Why not use your devices to keep in touch with classmates and friends you might be missing over this time as well?
Manage your stress levels
Whatever you do, don’t let stress get the better of you during this time. You’ve come so far and already completed 11 years of schooling. Why would you want to undo all of your hard work now? If you find yourself getting stressed or anxious, talk to somebody. Whether it’s a friend or your parents, talking about the way you feel can really help you manage these emotions before they negatively impact you. We also suggest making time for hobbies and activities you enjoy. From yoga to reading or even a jog around the garden, find what helps you unwind and make sure you do that regularly.
Stay organised and on schedule
Wake up, shower, get dressed for the day and be sure to make your bed. This sets the tone for the rest of your day and doesn’t allow you to stay in your pyjamas. Sticking to a schedule of mealtimes and study sessions will make it easier for you to get your schoolwork done. It’ll also help you adjust back into normal school times when all of this is over. Make use of your school’s resources if they have online lessons and additional learning material. Whatever you do, don’t fall behind on your tasks or miss any lessons. You need to be learning as much as you can if you’re going to get good results on your final exams.
Don’t give up, you’re almost there.
We learn a lot about ourselves when we go through tough times. It’s why we encourage every matriculant to use this as an opportunity for growth. Just keep your head in the books and do your best. Before you know it, this will all be a thing of the past and you’ll soon be moving on to the next stage of your life, university. If you’re still unsure of which tertiary path you’d like to follow, why not learn more about The IIE’s Varsity College and the programmes we deliver? To find out more click here to set up an appointment with a student advisor