Young people are the future of most industries. Nowhere is this clearer than in the business sector where digital and innovation go hand in hand. Degrees like a Bachelor of Commerce have always provided a solid foundation for aspiring business minds. But today’s generation seems to have a few more advantages than the ones that came before them.
What is a BCom Degree anyway?
Before we get onto what makes our generation the real game changers, we need to outline what a Bachelor of Commerce covers. It’s a broad-based degree that encompasses business and strategic management. In pursuing this degree, graduates will have an overview of modern business principles. This includes aspects like marketing, finance and accounting. There’s also a strong emphasis on critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making and strategic skills. Let’s get on to the topic now, shall we?
More than just a number
It’s estimated that more than 3.5 billion of the world’s population are young people under the age of 30. This means that there’s vast potential for this generation to drive growth and change in a multitude of areas. It also means increased competition within the job market. Pressure to stand out means that getting a recognised qualification is key. With an IIE BCom Degree from the Varsity College, an educational brand of The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE), you could stand out and take life to the next level.
They understand technology
For many of today’s under thirties, technology has been a learned language that they have become fluent in. This plays to their advantage because digital has come to impact every area of our daily lives. With this extra edge, the younger generation can use this expertise in their creation and execution of ideas. This makes the end result something effective and up to date with the times. An affinity for technology is also making younger candidates more employable than older ones who aren’t as familiar with tech and its applications. This knowledge even enables the tech-savvy to cut down on the amount of time required to do things due to increased efficiencies. It’s a big plus for businesses looking to cut down on resources and maximise productivity. Time is money and it’s something that companies know all too well. An IIE Bachelor of Commerce degree will touch on such technologies and how they can be used to boost business world success. This makes a programme like this one a real stepping stone on your way to that dream career.
They’re in touch with the world around them
A major perk of growing up with technology is the seamless connection to those around us. This ability to receive and transmit information means that we’re constantly taking in new things. With ever-expanding knowledge comes the shaping of ideas and opinions. This makes it highly likely for young people to generate innovative solutions. They’re also usually the first to know about big events and names as the news breaks. It’s something that’s essential for effective strategic management when you consider how time sensitive many business strategies are. With a finger on the pulse of what’s trending and what’s out there, young people are proving to be invaluable assets to businesses looking to stay relevant in the modern world. The IIE’s Bachelor of Commerce covers why this is imperative as well as how best to remain abreast of current trends in pursuit of innovation.
They’re hungry for success
As much as life might seem to be a lot easier for this generation, the competition for jobs has increased ten-fold. This means that young people face increased pressures when it comes to landing a job that they want. Getting sound qualifications, good work experience and even sharpening up those interview skills has become increasingly important. It also means that it’s essential to stand out. This hasn’t seemed to dampen the spirits of ambitious business hopefuls. If anything, these parameters have only made today’s young people even more determined to succeed.
They’re willing to adapt to different scenarios and opportunities
With many entering the business world choosing broad-based degrees like a Bachelor of Commerce, young people can keep their options open. This means that they’re qualified and free to enter into several different areas of expertise as they gain work experience. It also makes them more willing to test the waters in new jobs. Youth and resilience have always been a powerful combination and with that behind them, this can only yield amazing results. For recruiters, these are most definitely favourable characteristics, as today’s organisations are looking to hire flexible candidates. They also tend to seek out those who have personality traits that bode well for corporate climates. These include strong people skills, communications and a willingness to learn.
They’re a bit more open-minded
A positive aspect of being exposed to a host of information and different types of people is a sense of open-mindedness that comes with it. This allows young people to be open to different ideas and belief systems. This makes for better members of a team and ensures that they can perform as part of a cohesive unit with limited conflict. They’re also more willing to implement solutions that might seem a little crazy or out the box.
They care about the future
It’s a common misconception that the younger generations don’t care as much about the future of the world as the older ones do. If you consider the way in which young people are prepared to take a stand for what they believe in, you’ll see that there’s a host of passionate minds looking for a way to positively impact the environment and those around them. With businesses giving opportunities to young people, we’ll see more and more exceptional candidates emerging and changing the game in their field. If you’re passionate about making waves in business, there’s no better time than right now to start working towards those goals.
It’s time to make your mark
You’ve already got an extra edge so why not use that to your advantage? As part of the empowered generation, you could make history in your chosen profession. With the help of a three-year full-time IIE Bachelor of Commerce degree from The IIE’s Varsity College, you’re only one degree away from a dream career. To find out more about how this popular qualification prepares you for the challenges of your working world, please click here.