The inside scoop on Corporate Communications
Corporate Communications is a major buzz term these days, particularly for those studying a BA
Communication. Whilst students and aspiring practitioners will know exactly what it is, some people are
still quite puzzled by it.
Luckily, you won’t have to study a BA Communication to learn the ins and outs (although you should, it’s
awesome). We’re providing an in-depth look at this interesting and important phenomenon here.
What is it?
In a nutshell, it’s a set of activities and processes that promote and facilitate communication within an
organisation. Not only does this include communication within an organisation, it encompasses external
communications as well.
What’s the end goal?
Good communication, of course, but it’s a little more than that. Not only is the focus on communicating well,
it’s also on creating favourable relations with stakeholders and consumers. This means it often crosses paths
with PR and establishing stellar brand reputations.
There are different levels
Corporate Communications happens within a host of departments, between staff and management, and
across industries and markets. There’s intraorganisational communication that involves internal processes
like staff meetings. On the flip side, there’s interorganisational communication which encompasses a
business and its stakeholders and consumers. With different levels comes diverse issues within each one.
This makes those who study a communications degree a valuable asset to many businesses.
It’s important for work culture
As much as communication is important in corporates for a great reputation amongst consumers, it’s
important for staff as well. Organisational culture is built by great communication and destroyed by its
inefficient counterpart. It’s why so many companies insist on intranets, training programmes and regular
team building. A positive climate in the workplace ensures staff satisfaction and retention. As a result,
there’s a lower staff turnover and less conflict between employees. Communication also helps resolve
disputes before they escalate because staff members feel like they can talk to management and each other
about issues.
Join the ranks of true professionals
If you’ve got a knack for people and a passion for communications, you’re only one degree away from
turning your strengths into a career. The IIE’s Bachelor of Arts in Corporate Communications at Varsity
College will prepare you for the challenges of the working world through the right blend of programme
material. As an accredited degree, you’ll be ready to take the corporate world by storm. For more on what
Varsity College can do to make your dreams a reality, chat to us today.
Varsity College is an educational Brand of The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE).