Accounting courses are a brilliant way of ensuring that you will enter into a field that will always be in demand. The potential for success with a qualification in this field is almost guaranteed because of the high expertise and level of training required. But it’s not all doom and gloom because the silver lining of all that hard definitely pays off, and then some.
The number of careers open to anyone with a good degree in finances and business can be staggering. You’ll have the chance of entering into careers such as financial accounting, taxation, management accounting, financial management and auditing. And these are definitely not lightweight careers. Some of them can get you into the highest rungs of business such as the positions of CEO and CFO.
But on your way to becoming the next CEO or CFO of a big corporation you’ll encounter all those other different fields. The choice is up to you where you would like to specialise. But the great thing is, that no matter where you decide to end up, your financial training will mean you’re always needed.
Taking up such a challenge will have long-lasting career enhancing advantages that give you the chance to become truly successful. Choosing the right partner who understands the practical implications of this journey is incredibly important.
Varsity College is a brand of The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE), we offer tuition support for the Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Financial Accounting degree. Our interactive learning environments and blended learning approach encourage you to formulate arguments and express your opinions. Our collaborative approach to education welcomes you to actively participate in your studies, engage with subject material, build understanding and develop your ability to think critically.
The IIE degrees, diplomas and higher certificates are offered at Varsity College campuses. In addition, we offer tuition support for qualifications conferred by the IMM Graduate Institute of Marketing (IMM GSM) and have academic partnerships with international institutions such as the Open University (OU) from United Kingdom and International College of Hotel Management (ICHM).
If you’re interested in getting your BCompt Fin Acc degree, or if you’d like to inquire about other programmes available to you, contact us atwww.varsitycollege.co.za.