For many who have chosen an Honours in Management, a position of leadership is often a goal. Whether you’re more passionate about business management or communication strategy, there are great opportunities to be found across a number of industries. That is, if you have the skills, passion and qualification to pursue them.
Enter the Honours in Management degree, a sure way to equip yourself with everything you need to embrace a position in management. Alongside The IIE Varsity College’s emphasis on new world thinking skills, you’ll be destined for business leadership. Programme choice aside, are you ready for the responsibilities that come with a role like this one? You might want to ask yourself these questions.
How would you rate your relationships with your fellow employees?

For many, this is an area that is make or break when it comes to getting that managerial position. In order to form part of management, you need to be able to manage people. Although, it should be known that it doesn’t entail bossing people around. Instead, it’s a way of engaging with your peers in a way that brings out the very best in them. This is something that will get you the respect of your bosses and team members throughout your career. We suggest starting with those in your BCom Honours class. Treat this as your first opportunity to build strong, productive relationships with those you study with every day. When you enter the working world, you can use these skills to thrive there too.
Have you performed consistently in your past roles?

Whilst no one is perfect, your performance and meeting targets will always be used to measure your success. If you have fallen short numerous times, it is unlikely that you would be any different if given a position in management. Did you know that problem solving and critical thinking are the two most in-demand soft skills on every modern CV? This means that they transcend industries and positions and could very well help you earn that management title. When you can solve complex problems and innovate on demand, you’ll be an asset to any business and be respected for your talents too. An Honours in Commerce at The IIE at Varsity College is an ideal opportunity to sharpen your skill-set in preparation for landing that dream job. The rest however, will be all up to you.
How well do you deal with conflict?

Conflict can be found in almost every facet of life. As much as it is inevitable, we should always have a clear and effective way of dealing with it without causing unnecessary drama in the process. A good manager is one who can flag issues and resolve conflict before it becomes damaging to the team as a whole. Here’s where problem solving comes into play again, making our new world thinking approach an integral part of holding high-level positions within any organisation. Being cool under pressure, communicating well with others and having a strong sense of ethics are also great skills for those in management.
Are you ready to reach your goals?

At The IIE’s Varsity College we want you to work for passion and not just a pay cheque. To find out more about how the IIE Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Management gives you the new world thinking skills that employers are looking for, get in touch with The IIE's Varisty College.
Varsity College is an educational brand of The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE). South Africa’s leading private higher education provider that’s registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training, and accredited by the British Accreditation Council (BAC).