The great Nelson Mandela once said that, “Education is the most important tool which you can use to change the world”. At Varsity College, we put this quote into practise daily, offering students the chance to change the world and their futures. Through the early childhood development courses, we also give students a chance to change the lives of children aged grade R to 3.
Also known as an IIE Bachelor of Education in Foundation Phase Teaching, the early childhood education degree lets you make your dream of nurturing and shaping young minds a reality! Here’s a little more on why one of our junior education degrees might be for you
It’s the little things that matter most
If you’ve always liked the idea of working with children, the IIE foundation phase BEd could help you change lives in more ways than one. You’d be teaching grades R-3, with a particular focus on childhood development that goes on to have life long effects. Through this four-year degree, you will gain a specialised qualification and knowledge on subject matter. This includes integrating all types of learning for successful childhood education within the South African context.
Recognised qualifications
This degree is structured to meet the Department of Higher Education and Training’s (DHET) Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications (July 2011). It is also aligned with the new Higher Education Qualifications Framework’s (HEQF) guidelines. It also empowers teachers with the skills and knowledge to drive life-long learning that begins in their classroom.
Subject matters
The IIE BEd Foundation Phase degree gives students a fundamental and comprehensive education supported by key subject knowledge in the teaching of all three main subjects: Language, Mathematics and Life Skills in Grades 1 to 3. In addition to this, students are enabled to prepare Grade R learners for formal learning as teachers. There is a combined approach to learning avenues in this degree, blending educational theory and methodology alongside the requirements for a professionally qualified beginner teacher.
100% Accredited
The Council on Higher Education (CHE) accredits this Independent Institute of Education (IIE) degree. It is also registered with the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) as a 482-credit qualification on level 7 (SAQA ID: 96408).
Possible avenues with foundation phase teaching
Sure, everyone thinks that with a teaching degree that you can only become a teacher. With our IIE BEd degree, you could even pursue School Management positions or even Educational Consultancy!
Why choose VC?
This degree is offered on a full-time basis with weekday lectures being held on our blended learning campuses. Our smaller classes mean higher pass rates and fewer dropouts so that we can take you further, faster. We’re also a brand of the Independent Institute of Education (IIE). This enables us to offer recognised qualifications to all of our students. Academic partnerships with international institutions like the Open University (OU) of the United Kingdom and the International College of Hotel Management (ICHM) mean that our qualifications are ones that are internationally recognised.
Got a calling to teach? Answer it. If you’re interested in any of our IIE BEd degrees, or if you’d like to find out about the other qualifications we offer, please visit our website today, www.varsitycollege.co.za.