With South Africa’s government focus on expanding the small to medium business sector of the economy there really has never been a better time to be an entrepreneur. And getting yourself a qualification with a business management course is one of the best ways of getting your share of this growing and exciting sector.
But there are other advantages to getting yourself trained in this area as well. It happens that sometimes you have an idea of where you want to end up career-wise, but just don’t have a clear plan. Or maybe you just don’t want to be tied down to a specific sector such as finance, human resource management or logistics. A qualification in this area means that you can get into almost any part of business.
On top of this, because companies need the essential skills taught in such a course they are always looking for people with the right skillset to help their enterprise. Skills such as knowledge of e-commerce and business communication are valuable in any sector – especially with the modern day emphasis on technologically orientated companies.
Basically, with a business management course you will have the skills to open your own company or you can choose to work in one of the many different enterprises (and different parts of these companies). With so many options at your disposal you can choose and decide with leisure exactly where in the dynamic, exciting and challenging world of business you’d like to end up.
A Diploma in Business Management and Entrepreneurship may also open up many other career paths. These could include entrepreneurship, franchise management, small business management and marketing management. The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE) Diploma in Business Management and Entrepreneurship is offered at Varsity College campuses. The tuition covers topics such as business management, accounting, financial management, business strategy and project management. Varsity College is an educational brand of The IIE.
The IIE degrees, diplomas and higher certificates are offered at Varsity College campuses. In addition we offer tuition support for qualifications conferred by the IMM Graduate Institute of Marketing (IMM GSM) and has academic partnerships with international institutions such as The Open University (OU) of the United Kingdom and the International College of Hotel Management (ICHM).
If you’re interested in this diploma, or if you’d like to inquire about other programmes available to you, contact us on www.varsitycollege.co.za.