Maybe you’ve had a look recently at a few business degrees but felt that you don’t want to specialise in a specific field. Luckily, this isn’t a crisis because a BCom degree is perfectly suited for opening up doors to different areas of the business world.
What’s great about this degree is that there are three main branches or ‘streams’ that you can follow. And you have the option of getting into any of these – it’s just a question of what you’d prefer to tackle (after you’ve had some exposure to them all).
Just to give you a quick breakdown of the types of careers you can look at, have a look:
Marketing Management | Business and Strategic Management | Business and Financial Management |
This is only a short list of what you can look at, but you can see that there are many opportunities that await you after having completed the degree. Each of these can be very rewarding, both personally and financially (it is the business world after all). Just make sure that you choose the right institution to guide you through all of these many choices.
At Varsity College, which is a brand of The IIE, we offer tuition support for BCom degree. Our interactive learning environments, blended learning and collaborative approach to education will help you build your understanding and your ability to think critically.
The Independent Institute of Education degrees, diplomas and certificates are conferred on Varsity College campuses. In addition Varsity College offers tuition support for qualifications of the IMM Graduate Institute of Marketing (IMM GSM) and has academic partnerships with international institutions such as The Open University of the UK (OU) and the International College of Hotel Management (ICHM).
If you’re interested in the BCom degree, or you’d like to inquire about other programmes available to you, contact Varsity College or visit the Varsity College website at www.varsitycollege.co.za.