Four Ways To Boost Productivity When Working Or Studying From Home

Time is money. How often do we hear that saying? You might be studying a higher certificate in law and mastering the likes of legal office management or South African law. If law isn’t your thing, you might be pursuing a programme in bookkeeping or business. Either way, part-time learning isn’t an easy feat when you consider the juggling act involving work, life and loved ones. Being productive is the key to making the most of your time. As a precious resource, we owe it to ourselves to use it as wisely as possible if we’re going to be successful.

Whether you’re working from home or in the middle of studying a business programme or a higher certificate in law, here are a few ways that you can increase your productivity.

Choose working ahead over catching up

We’ve all been there. After procrastinating a little too much, we’re now scrambling to get things done and meet deadlines. Don’t let that be you. Whilst the stress alone makes this a negative habit, it also keeps your days full to capacity. If you finish your tasks earlier than expected, resist the urge to close that laptop. Instead, take a look at the following day’s work to see if there’s anything that you can get done earlier than scheduled. This will allow you to free up some time later on in the week. Plus, being ahead is a much better feeling than the one that comes with being far behind.

Get your exercise done as early as possible

Not everyone is a morning person but it’s worth noting that a morning workout will help your mind wake up. By the time you’re done, you’ll be fired up and ready to take on the day. It also means one less thing to get done later on in the day. Most people find that if they wait until the afternoon, they’re less likely to exercise due to additional tasks popping up and taking preference. Your health should be a priority so by working out first thing in the morning, you can make it number one on your list.

Get up from your desk every 60 minutes

Some people think that in order to be productive you need to sit down and thrash out the work or studies until it’s done. We suggest regular breaks to help keep you focussed (and sane). By getting up and walking around every hour, you can get your blood flowing and bring oxygen to the brain. This helps limit feelings of fatigue, especially if you’re working on a computer. If you’re worried that you’ll forget to take a break, we recommend drinking loads of water. This will ensure that you need to get up and walk around in order to take bathroom breaks.

Say no to social media

What is it about social media that has the tendency to side-track and totally derail us from the task at hand? Not only is it a time thief, it’s an energy zapper too. Instead of scrolling through newsfeeds, make a conscious decision to cut social media time out of your work or study time. You’ll be amazed at how much more you’re able to get done. If you feel as if your self-control may waver, there are even apps that can lock you out of your social media accounts for certain time periods each day.

Being productive can only take you so far. You need a qualification that gets you noticed. At The IIE’s Varsity College, a range of part-time offerings allow you to upskill when it best suits your unique schedule. For more on The IIE Higher Certificate in Legal Studies, we invite you to visit our website via this link.

Varsity College is an educational brand of The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE). South Africa’s leading private higher education provider that’s registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training and accredited by the British Accreditation Council (BAC).