Finance holds the potential to be one of the most exciting and competitive industries to be involved in. However, it also can become one of the most financially rewarding career paths for those with drive and an aptitude for numbers. Our Bcompt, is geared towards training our students to become the most proficient accountants possible.
Accountants are probably one of the most detail-orientated professionals. When it comes to work-related tasks, such as auditing, it is absolutely imperative that the accountant be as accurate as possible in their observations and equations. Only the most astute accountants see true professional success. It is important that any accounting course aid in the development of such skills within its student body.
The skills offered in our finance degree are the basis from which the accountants of tomorrow will develop their own high level of service. The focus needed to concentrate on the tasks at hand, in order to avoid making clerical errors, which may cost a company serious financial consequences, is a vital skill which candidates need to develop.
Accountants also need to show a commitment to strong ethical and moral values. When dealing with vast sums of money or auditing the financial integrity of a business, it is absolutely necessary that the accountant display a strong moral code. There are many types of accounting vocations and a multitude of accounting practices within each vocation. These include book keeping, taxation, financial statements and the development of business plans. Merger and acuisition plans, as well as the implimentation of corporate strategies also potentially form a part of an accountant’s duties.
One of the huge benefits of become a charted accountant (CA) is the high demand in the South African business sector for skilled accountants. A finance degree is highly prised qualification and a Bcompt is a perfect place to start.