You need to be a certain kind of person to succeed in the challenging but highly exciting world of Events Management. In this position you will be responsible for organising and running all kinds of events, whether they be corporate functions, promotions, fundraisers or social occasions. These events can vary in scale from small, intimate dinner parties to festivals attended by thousands of people over several days. As an Events Manager, chances are that you will control the whole project, from the initial planning to actual implementation.
If you want to study Events Management, it helps if you interact well with others. Strong communication skills are essential for anyone in this role as typically you will be delegating responsibilities to a number of different providers, negotiating prices and publicising the event as needs be. Most importantly, you will be liaising with clients frequently. They may have very specific needs, so you want to maintain a healthy, antagonism-free relationship with them.
Events Management is ideal for people who are motivated and have a lot of energy. Multitasking is essential. Events Managers are also required to see the big picture and small picture simultaneously. Attention to detail is vital to avoid last-minute slip-ups and omissions, and you always need to have a back-up plan as unforeseen problems are sure to crop up.
If you want to study Events Management, Varsity College provides tuition support for a Higher Certificate in Event Management. This certificate is conferred by the well-regarded Independent Institute of Education (The IIE) – South Africa’s leading registered provider of higher education. The IIE has a special focus on quality assurance and real workplace relevance.
To study Events Management and enrol for this one year full-time programme, you will need to have completed Matric or an equivalent. You will also need to have met the general requirements for access to higher education courses.
As an Events Manager, you really need to enjoy problem solving, often under pressure. However, as demanding as this career choice can be, it’s also highly rewarding – financially, mentally and even emotionally, as you continually make special occasions for people a reality.