If you’re considering a communication course, you should know that it’s something that will always be of use to you. Within every industry the world over, communication is a key driver for processes, sales and even brand reputation. Where leadership is concerned, the ability to communicate well is a skill that’s essential for success in today’s world.
As you might already know, we’re passionate about New World thinking. This means we’re focussed on the skills you need to meet the ever-changing demands in the modern world. No matter the industry you choose, a communication course is a great tool to make sure you’re ready to dominate in your respective field. It’s also a good way to help you navigate all areas of your IIE Varsity College experience. Whether you’re the CEO of a company, the captain of your hockey team or on the Student Representative Council at your campus, communication will take you places. Here’s why.
It’s central to being a leader
Knowing how to communicate is vital for leading people and even playing a positive role as a team member. Consider the relationships that you maintain daily. How many of these rely on communication? Yes, that’s right. Every single one. It’s why those at the head of corporations should be skilled in communicating at every level between people, departments, businesses, markets and even industries. It’s why a qualification in communication science is a true game-changer for anyone looking to start their career. Whether it’s business management, marketing or even bookkeeping, knowing how to deal with people is a must.
It helps people build trust
We each have our own styles of communicating and this makes us all authentic. In being authentic and open, we are able to establish trust. This in turn, makes people listen to what we have to say. As a result, it’s important for those in positions of influence to nurture trust between colleagues and team members. Recent studies have shown that those who communicate best are less worried about formalities and more concerned about being real. This means that people prefer to hit home with their desired audience than they are about communicating to “tick boxes”. People are more likely to respect and follow a leader who is genuine than they are to follow someone who they feel isn’t.
It involves a lot of listening
The best communicators are those who know how to listen and who do it often. Again, where trust is concerned, we gain the respect of people when we take the time to hear what they have to say. In doing this, we also gain new understandings on different perspectives and what we can do to better serve those that we deal with every day. If we show that we are prepared to listen, we’ll find that we open the doors to communication. When people actually want to talk to us, we can drive healthy conversations that benefit everyone.
It should be followed up with actions
The funny thing about communication is that our actions play a part in it too. It’s why we should always back up what is said with actions that reinforce the message we have conveyed. If we say one thing and do another, we break down trust. This is tough to build and even more difficult to get back once it is gone. In our daily lives both at home, in lectures and at work, we need to be mindful of how our actions communicate for us. You might find that you’re unknowingly sending the wrong messages to people.
Gain the skills that will overcome tomorrow’s challenges
With the world changing at a rapid rate, your skillset should be evolving too. For more on the IIE Bachelor of Arts in Corporate Communication and how it gives our graduates the new world thinking that employers look for, please click here
Varsity College is an educational brand of The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE). South Africa’s leading private higher education provider that’s registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training, and accredited by the British Accreditation Council (BAC).