Challenge Accepted is legen… wait for it… dary
The world was first introduced to the phrase, ‘Challenge Accepted’ by How I Met Your Mother’s Barney Stinson. Ever since the suit-wearing Stinson made his debut, he has become something of a cultural icon. In fact, if you were to Google Barney Stinson, you’d find a number of his catchphrases, littering all sorts of social media sites.
We know that students are always up for a challenge especially when there’s a prize involved. That’s why we launched our mobile competition called #ChallengeAccepted where you have the opportunity to win a R100 000 Varsity College bursary! Once users have signed up on the mobisite, they can accept and carry out any of the fun challenges the application suggests, and must upload proof once completed.
It’s been over four months since the launch and challenges are still flooding in. Let’s recap and see what our competitors have accomplished so far… Pie in the face is a clear favourite, in fact it’s one of the top watched entries on YouTube. Have a look for yourself - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ls05LIhMQXU.
Another crowd favourite seems to be the party rocker wiggle. Watch this hilarious version of the wiggle here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NC55x_Kq8Vc.
Other challenges range from the sneaky whistle to the balloon pop. One particularly brave entrant even swam a lap in the Gateway fountain to Chariots of Fire!
If you think you’re ready to take on a challenge like these legends have, please visit http://vcchallenge.co.za/and enter now as entries close 31 December. You’ve got just enough time to catch up to the top competitors and clinch a last minute victory! On that note, to all competitors in the running, we’d encourage you to keep a beady eye on your competition to prevent dropping a place this late in the game. Good luck and hypothetical high fives all round.
Have a look at the current leader board and determine who your stiffest competition will be: