Very often employees are promoted to a management position when they have little to no experience overseeing other workers. While some people have innate management skills and take readily to the senior position, other new leaders may feel overwhelmed by the challenges they face for the first time.
The greater money, power and freedom of a management position is paired with challenges like making time for increased, unexpected responsibilities. Then there is the always prickly issue of motivating and disciplining subordinates while meeting the expectations of your supervisor.
Without guidance from a more experienced senior figure at their organisation, first-time managers may feel like they need some structured management skills training. This type of instruction should help the new manager feel more confident and get the best out of employees now answering to him or her.
The Business School at Varsity College offers just such training – helping managers to reach their workplace objectives. The Management Toolkit course is a part time management skills training programme specifically for working adults. Just like all courses supported by the education institution, it is short term (running over 14 weeks), with once-a-week lectures taking place during weekday evenings or on Saturday mornings so your full-time job isn’t affected.
Management skills training via The Business School at Varsity College is ideal for those recently appointed to a management position, or anyone who wishes to become a manager in the future. The programme also has great value for entrepreneurs who are about to expand their business and require tips on how to fairly and effectively manage their employees.
The Management Toolkit programme enjoys both local and international reputability. The course has been developed using material licensed from distance learning icon, The Open University in the United Kingdom. Upon completion of the course, the qualification you’ll receive is certified by The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE), South Africa’s largest private provider of higher education. And for extra peace of mind, the course is registered on South Africa’s National Qualifications Framework.