First off, we should start by saying that any degree is a fantastic foundation for your career. That doesn’t mean that there isn’t something about a BCom specifically, that seems to impress many. If you’re currently exploring your tertiary study options, you might want to consider an IIE Bachelor of Commerce. In addition to its blend of business skills and our focus on critical thinking, problem solving and other soft skills, there are a few good reasons why it’s one of the most popular programmes at The IIE’s Varsity College.
If you’ve ever questioned whether a BCom might be suited to you, here are a few points that might help.
It’s very broad

Thanks to its scope and versatility, this degree gives you many career choices. This is one of the most popular reasons why so many choose it. In gaining a host of skills across numerous disciplines, you’ll graduate qualified to tackle whatever you choose to do. Coupled with our focus on thinking designed for an ever-changing ever-evolving new world of work, The IIE’s Varsity College will help you forge a career that you’ll thrive in. Thanks to stronger problem solving and critical thinking abilities, you’ll prove valuable to prospective employers looking for skilled candidates just like you. Whether you want to work for big names or forge your own path and start a business, you’ll be capable and qualified to do both. Industries that prefer candidates with a Bachelor of Commerce include marketing, finance, FMCG, sales and even entrepreneurship.
The opportunities are numerous

By having a basic understanding of South African frameworks and how these come into play in the business sector, you will be able to minimise the likelihood of needing to pay for legal advice. Sure, you will still need to pay for legal representation if the need arises, but basic knowledge will be covered by you. This is both cost-effective and empowering for any small business owner.
Adapt to changing markets

It’s no secret that our world is changing and as a result, industries do the same. This means that those who are successful are the ones who are able to adapt and thrive. When you have new world thinking on your side, you can innovate and implement strategies that drive real results. This is indispensable for modern businesses who need fast thinkers and highly-skilled problem solvers. If you’ve got new world thinking behind you, there’s no challenge you can’t face and conquer.
Put a new world spin on your future

When you make good choices today, they positively impact all of your tomorrows. It’s why you should choose a degree that’s designed for a constantly evolving corporate world. If you’re interested to learn more about the IIE Bachelor of Commerce at The IIE’s Varsity College and the way that we infuse new world thinking into every element of this degree, please click here.
Varsity College is an educational brand of The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE). South Africa’s leading private higher education provider that’s registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training, and accredited by the British Accreditation Council (BAC).