About the Case Study
Expanding access to quality and affordable education is a central element to eliminating extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity. In developing countries, private education providers play a critical role in the delivery of education, skills, and training that is affordable and relevant to the needs of the labor markets.
The IFC education practice is developing several case studies that showcase success stories in the IFC education portfolio around scale, skills, and affordability. The case studies highlight how IFC clients have contributed to meeting IFC’s strategic goals in the education of (1) developing skills and enhancing employability of graduates and trainees, and (2) increasing reach and impact at all levels of education.
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This case study was authored by Ann M. Casanova, with valuable insights provided by IFC colleagues, Alejandro Caballero, David Ferreira, Salah-Eddine Kandri, Mohammed Ali Khan, Ken Osei, Eric Soubeiga, and Elena Sterlin.
Click here to download full case study.